Premature babies tend to have a higher mortality rate at birth compared to babies carried to a full term. Recently, doctors at SRV Hospital in Chembur, Mumbai have successfully delivered a premature baby girl. Priti Topale gave birth to a baby in the 29th week i.e. in just seven months of her pregnancy due to a condition known as oligohydramnios characterized by low amniotic fluid. The weight of the baby at birth was only 1.3 Kgs which has now increased to 1.7 kgs after one month of care and treatment in the NICU. Both the mother and baby are healthy and have been discharged.
The rate of preterm birth in India is very high and a major public health challenge. Premature births can occur due to younger maternal age, previous preterm deliveries, multiple (twins, triplets) deliveries, hypertensive disorders, chronic diabetes, malnutrition, genetic predisposition or excessive use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs. However, more often than not the cause is unknown.
Dr. Ameya Kanakiya, Obstetrician and Gynecologist at SRV Hospitals Chembur said, “Priti was 29 weeks pregnant when she was brought to the hospital and admitted due to a diagnosis of oligohydramnios in which we see low amniotic fluid in the womb. A cesarean delivery was performed immediately for the baby safety as water in the womb continued to decrease. The weight of the preterm baby was only 1.3 Kgs at 29 weeks and she was moved to the NICU for observation and treatment. A fetus is fully developed at 38-40 weeks, so a delivery at the 29th week meant that the baby had to be carefully monitored and treated to ensure survival.”
Dr. Rohit Kamble, Neonatologist and Pediatrician at SRV Hospitals Chembur said, “Low amniotic fluid is a condition in which a pregnant woman has too little amniotic fluid, this may cause many health issues for the baby. At 29 weeks, the condition of the premature baby was alarming as her lungs were not fully developed, breathing would be a challenge. The baby was kept on oxygen for 5 days. After 15 days of delivery the baby’s condition seemed to deteriorate due to Stage 1 NEC (necrotizing enterocolitis) with low platelet count, Apnea episodes and her CRP levels were on the higher side. With proper antibiotics, we were able to treat and stabilize the baby. Her condition slowly improved and by the end of a month she weighed a normal 1.7 kgs.”
“We were very scared due to the uncertainty caused by the premature delivery but due to the efforts of the doctors, my baby’s life was saved. I thank the doctor for their efforts and prompt medical attention,” concluded the baby’s mother Priti Topale.