Under the initiative of Chief Minister Shri Bhajanlal Sharma and the directions of Medical Minister Shri Gajendra Singh Khimsar, a continuous campaign is being run against adulteration. Following the directions of Food Safety Commissioner Shri Iqbal Khan, on Monday, more than 1200 liters of ghee being transported from Indore to Jaipur was seized on suspicion of being substandard and of poor quality.
Additional Commissioner Shri Pankaj Ojha informed that 705 liters of Mother Choice brand and 540 liters of Milk Cream brand ghee have been seized after taking samples. This ghee was being brought to Jaipur in a bus from Indore and was to be supplied to different places. Even in June 2024, action was taken on this and samples were taken, which were found to be substandard.
CMHO First Dr. Vijay Singh Faujdar, Food Safety Officers Shri Ratan Godara, Shri Pawan Gupta and Shri Narendra Sharma were involved in the action.