Prof. Naved Iqbal, Department of Psychology, Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) is member of the prestigious group of professionals which created a Chair in UNESCO on child maltreatment. This chair is led by Prof. Catherine Belzung, University of Tours, France. It involves experts from various disciplines (law, pedagogy, sociology, psychology, psychiatry, forensic medicine, pediatrics, and neurosciences) from more than 15 countries on five different continents (North and South America, Africa, Asia, and Europe) as well as NGOs, to promote a dialog between academics and civil society about the negative consequences of child maltreatment.
Launched in 2022, this chair is international cooperation that encourages interdisciplinary dialog to share solutions to prevent child abuse and maltreatment. This project aims to produce knowledge with research seminars to contribute to the evolution of the practice at a global level and also propose a compilation of self-paced online courses, pedagogic mini- conferences with self-assessment, and summer schools.
Child maltreatment can lead to an increased risk of several mental illnesses such as persistent depression, which can end in suicidal acts or encourage violent acts in adult victims. Moreover, these consequences can lead to biological alterations in cognition and persist throughout the victim’s life. Further, it can be passed on to the next generation through dysfunctional parenting.
Prof. Iqbal has been constantly working on many international projects and is one of the well-known Indian psychologists of International repute.