The Union Home Minister Shri Amit Shah inaugurated a 280 PSA Oxygen Plant at the Covid Designated Hospital at Kolavada in Gandhinagar district of Gujarat today. Talking to the media after inaugurating the Oxygen plant, the Home Minister said that 66 patients are undergoing treatment in Kolavada who will be provided Oxygen facilities from today. From this plant, patients will get 280 litres of Oxygen per minute, besides Oxygen cylinders will also beprovided here during emergency so that the patients do not have any inconvenience.
Shri Amit Shah said that a special campaign has been started across the country under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, in which the Central Government approved the setting up of 11 new PSA Oxygen plants in Gujarat as part of the scheme to provide Oxygen from the PM Cares Fund. These plants will be commissioned soonand surplus amount of Oxygen produced here will be transported to other states. He said that Gujarat is an industrial state where more Oxygen is being produced which will help other states.