Six States, Maharashtra, Punjab, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat, continue to report a surge in the COVID daily new cases. 78.56% of the new cases are reported from these 6 states.
56,211 new cases were registered in the last 24 hours.
Maharashtra has reported the highest daily new cases at 31,643. It is followed by Punjab with 2,868 while Karnataka reported 2,792 new cases.
Ten States, as shown under, are displaying an upward trajectory in daily new cases.
India’s total Active Caseload has reached 5,40,720 today. India’s present active caseload now stands at 4.47% of India’s total Positive Cases. A net incline of 18,912 cases recorded from the total active caseload in the last 24 hours.
Maharashtra, Kerala, Punjab, Karnataka and Chhattisgarh cumulatively account for 79.64% of the total active cases in the country. Maharashtra leads with more than 62% of the active caseload of the country.
On the other hand, more than 6.11 cr (6,11,13,354) vaccine doses have been administered through 10,07,091 sessions, as per the provisional report till 7 am today. These include 81,74,916 HCWs (1st dose), 51,88,747 HCWs (2nd dose), 89,44,742 FLWs (1st dose) and 37,11,221 FLWs (2nd Dose), 68,72,483 (1st Dose) and 405 (2nd dose) beneficiaries aged more than 45 years with specific co-morbidities and 2,82,19,257 (1st Dose) and 1583 (2nd dose) beneficiaries aged more than 60 years.