The voice of farmers cannot be muzzled indefinitely. Centre should immediately initiate talks with Kisan Union leaders to defuse the tense situation at the Delhi borders. Why wait till December 3?
— Capt.Amarinder Singh (@capt_amarinder) November 27, 2020
ये ओलों से नहीं डरते, तो प्रधानमंत्री मोदी के गोलों से क्या खाक डरेंगे?
— Congress (@INCIndia) November 27, 2020
भाजपा हठ छोड़े और किसानों से वार्ता का नाता जोड़े।
Modi govt won't fight China but wages a war with our farmers!
— Indian Youth Congress (@IYC) November 27, 2020

The farmers of the country have tears in their eyes, but the Modi government is sleeping. We have to stand in this battle with those farmers.#किसान_अब_दिल्ली_फतह_करेगा#दिल्ली_चलो
— Babusinh Solanki (@babusinhsolank5) November 27, 2020
Farmers are away from their fields.
— Shreesh Maurya|(RAXL)| (@MauryaRaxl) November 27, 2020
Govt claims to improve the condition of #farmers,but they employed forces to restrict them by using tear gases, water cannons , barricading and even called them terrorist?#IamWithFarmers#FarmersProtest#दिल्ली_चलो#किसान_अब_दिल्ली_फतह_करेगा
On one side farmers of nation are protesting and are being treated brutally by police !
— YSR (@ysathishreddy) November 27, 2020
And #BJPLeaders including PM are busy touring #Hyderabad for a local #GHMCElections !
Is this #AcheDin ? #FarmersProtest #किसान_अब_दिल्ली_फतह_करेगा#VoteForCar ?#TRS@KTRTRS
कांग्रेस पार्टी किसान-मजदूर-आढ़ती भाइयों के साथ खड़ी है।
— Kumari Selja (@kumari_selja) November 27, 2020
श्री @RahulGandhi जी ने ऐलान किया है कि कांग्रेस पार्टी की सरकार आने पर इन कृषि विरोधी काले कानूनों को वापस लिया जाएगा।
आज पानीपत पहुंचकर आंदोलनरत किसान भाइयों को अपना समर्थन दिया।#FarmersProtest