TVS Apache, the premium motorcycle brand of TVS Motor Company, created history by setting a new record for the longest non-stop stunt show in India and has now entered the Asia Book of Records. As part of the Apache Pro Performance X, 5 stunt teams from Coimbatore, Bangalore, Jaipur, Indore and Delhi performed non-stop stunt shows for 6 hours astride the TVS Apache RTR 200 4V motorcycles. The record-breaking show was held amidst heavy rainfall at Seasons Mall, Pune.
The stunt bikers enthralled the audience with their skills and manoeuvrability on the TVS Apache motorcycles. Special stunts like the Jesus Christ pose, pillion thrill-ride, 360 degree front wheelie, synchronized flower burnout, suicide burnout, and a mega bike burnout as the grand finale enthralled the spectators. Despite the heavy downpour, the bikers continued their record breaking feat, thus bettering their previous record of 5 hr non-stop stunt marathon held in Chennai in the year 2017.
In 2017, the TVS Apache stunt team entered the record books with a non-stop 5 hour stunt show on the TVS Apache series of motorcycles. This activity was dubbed as TVS Apache Pro Performance X – a step up of the popular property – Apache Pro Performance (APP). An initiative driven by TVS Racing, APP promotes the performance prowess (in a controlled environment) of the TVS Apache RTR Series motorcycles amongst its audience and helps them connect to the essence of the brand – ‘Racing DNA Unleashed’.
The event was attended by over 25,000 people.
About TVS Apache series:
Launched in 2006, the first-generation TVS Apache became a popular choice among young customers and was rated the best motorcycle in the Indian market. Over the years, the portfolio of the brand has expanded to include TVS Apache RTR 160, 180, 200 and the TVS Apache RR 310. This award-winning series of motorcycles brings in the learnings from the race track into its fold and designs performance-oriented, technologically superior products aimed to create customer delight. The TVS Apache series has created a series of experiential initiatives to connect with their customer base. Apache Racing Experience (ARE) is a platform where Apache owners get an exclusive first-hand experience of leveraging the racing DNA in their motorcycles under the guidance of National Road Racing Champions from TVS Racing. The TVS Apache Owners Group (AOG) has been created to become a common platform for customers to share their enthusiasm for motorcycling. Today, AOG rides have been conducted in over 35 cities, witnessing participation of over 3000 customers. Further, the brand also engages in performance shows such as Apache Pro Performance (APP) which create widespread customer engagement and taps potential customers