In an effort to help conserve energy & curb wastage, Tata Power Club Enerji is currently running a three month pledge campaign called “Switch off to Switch on”. Started on World Environment Day (June 5), the campaign has children as ambassadors of energy conservation to raise awareness for creating a sustainable future. This campaign lets everyone pledge and share their stories of switching from any part of the world.
The campaign is being hosted on tata power page, where individuals from various walks of life are being sensitised through advice and solutions to conserve energy and environment to create a sustainable India. The campaign will leverage the established brand properties such as Wattloss Challenge and Doodle contest to engage with its target audience. A brand AV with the campaign ambassadors singing an anthem to inspiring the family and community to conserve electricity will be released soon.
With children at the helm of the campaign, it aims to implement ‘Reverse Parenting’ technique where children are raising awareness by engaging their families and society at large to save energy and make them appreciate the value of sustainable living. The campaign now launches its next leg of reverse parenting video series #ChoteUstad.

With the one week of launch the campaign has garnered 600+ pledges and is trending well on digital platforms. Children are the ‘Reflex Generation’ of tomorrow, who take instinctive measures to create an eco-friendly community of the future. The campaign directly addresses this section of the population which expects businesses and individuals to show a greater level of responsibility in terms of resource conservation and sustainability. Typical ‘Reflex Generation’ consumers are those that are willing to offer their patronage to products and brands that not only deliver economic value but also include concern for the environment and have long term sustainability goals.
Climate Superheroes Pledge for the cause Video:
The rationale of ‘switch off’ is to inculcate intelligent & thoughtful use of electrical equipment, thus ‘switching on’ the savings account for environment and energy. The objective is to encourage small behavioural changes that can have a lasting impact.
Tata Power’s Club Enerji initiative does not simply stop at spreading the message of energy conservation and sustainability but also gets young minds involved through participatory outreach campaigns, which will bring about a shift in the outlook leading to positive results.
Starting with 12 schools in Mumbai in 2007, Club Enerji it has now reached more than 533 schools nationwide, sensitizing over 19.34 million participants and saving more than 25 million units of energy. With over 1,526 Mini Clubs the initiative has managed to have 238,385 Energy Champions, and 283,473 Energy Ambassadors, making it one of Tata Power’s most successful community support initiatives.