Union Minister of State for Home Affairs, Shri G. Kishan Reddy, in a written reply to a question regarding performance of National Investigation Agency (NIA), in Lok Sabha today, said that the NIA was created in pursuance to enactment of NIA Act, 2008 with a mandate to investigate and prosecute terrorism related cases having national and international ramifications and other crimes affecting sovereignty, security and integrity of the country.
Since its inception and till date, the Central Government has entrusted 319 cases to the National Investigation Agency (NIA) for investigation. Out of total cases registered, in 237 cases charge-sheets have been filed. Judgement has been pronounced in 62 cases in which, 56 cases have resulted in conviction. Total 276 persons have been convicted in these cases. The conviction rate is 90.32%, Shri Reddy stated in the reply.