Raipur, Chhattisgarh witnesses a day of renewed hope as Narayan Seva Sansthan organizes a life-transforming "Narayan Limb & Caliper Fitment Camp."
Hundreds of deserving individuals with disabilities are receiving the incredible gift of mobility through free, high-quality artificial limbs and calipers. This remarkable initiative, spearheaded by the esteemed Institute President, Prashant Aggarwal, is not just providing limbs, it's empowering brothers and sisters to reclaim their independence and walk with dignity once again.
The camp pulsates with the joy of recipients and the dedication of volunteers, creating a truly inspiring atmosphere. This is a testament to Narayan Seva Sansthan's unwavering commitment to enriching lives and fostering a more inclusive society.
आज नारायण सेवा संस्थान के द्वारा छत्तीसगढ़ के रायपुर में "नारायण लिंब एवं कैलिपर फिटमेंट शिविर" का आयोजन किया जा रहा है। जिसमें शामिल होने के लिए बड़ी संख्या में दिव्यांगजन आ रहे हैं। शिविर में संस्थान के अध्यक्ष प्रशांत अग्रवाल की मौजूदगी में दिव्यांग भाई-बहनों को नारायण लिंब और… pic.twitter.com/zozlKz90IJ
another story about Gaurav is a cute child living in Beed of Maharashtra. Just like other kids, she also has dreams of playing with friends, going to school and moving forward in life. But her dreams could not come true. Because he was handicapped from birth. His poor helpless parents showed him no where. When all the hospitals were expected, they came to Narayan Seva Sansthan located in Udaipur. Where the successful operation of Gaurav's feet was performed by a team of experienced doctors. Now Pride is completely healthy and can walk on his feet.