As per the data provided by National Crime Records Bureau, in Delhi, the crime committed against women and children are on decrease since the last two years; however, the same is on increase in Mumbai. The year-wise data of crime committed against women and children in Delhi and Mumbai, for the past ten years is at Annexure-I.
The Ministry of Women & Child Development, Government of India under its One Stop Centre Scheme provides integrated support and assistance to women affected by violence under one roof through a range of services including medical, legal, police, psycho-social counselling and temporary shelter. In addition, this Ministry also provides 24-hours toll-free telecom service through short code 181 to women seeking support and information through its Universalisation of Women Helpline scheme. As of now 2.27 lakh women have benefitted from OSC Scheme and 38.62 lakh women have benefited from WHL Scheme.
Further, the Government has enacted the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 (JJ Act), which applies to all matters concerning children in need of care and protection and children in conflict with law. The Ministry is also implementing a centrally sponsored Child Protection Services (CPS) scheme (erstwhile Integrated Child Protection Scheme) for supporting children in difficult circumstances, as envisaged under the JJ Act, 2015. The primary responsibility of implementation of the scheme lies with the State Governments/UT Administrations. The details of children who have benefited under CPS scheme as informed by the States/UTs during 2018-19 are annexed at Annexure-II.
Under the JJ Act, 2015, the children in conflict with law are housed in Child Care Institutions where the child is provided various rehabilitation and reintegration services including skill development, vocational training, recreational facilities and mental health interventions.