- Crude Oil-Crude oil production during April, 2019 was2712.61TMT which is0.27% lower than the target and 6.94% lower when compared withApril, 2018.Unit-wise and State-wise crude oil production is given at Annexure-I. Unit-wise crude oil production for the month of April, 2019 vis-à-vis April, 2018 has been shown in Table-1 and month-wise in Figure-1.
Table-1: Crude Oil Production (in TMT)
Note: 1. Totals may not tally due to rounding off.*: Provisional
2. Target for the month of April, 2019 as per inputs received from Oil Companies and Annual Targets
are under finalization.
Figure-1: Monthly Crude Oil Production
Unit-wise production details with reasons for shortfall are as under:
- Crude oil production by ONGC during April, 2019 was 1690.97 TMT which is 0.44% higher than the target but 4.86% lower when compared with April, 2018.
- Crude oil production by OIL during April, 2019 was 265.21 TMT which is 4.04% lower than the target and 3.33% lower when compared with April, 2018.Shortfall in production was mainly due to less than planned contribution from work over well and drilling wells.
- Loss from Mangala due to delay in upgrade of Mangala Processing Terminal (MPT) and delay in drilling, completion and hooking up online 45 infill wells (CEIL).
- Lower yield from NE development drilling campaign due to geological uncertainties (CEIL).
- Closure of around 100 oil wells due to various reasons like liquid handling constraint at MPT plant, pump failure, surface facility limitation, etc (CEIL).
2.Natural Gas
Natural gas production during April, 2019 was 2655.89 MMSCM which is 0.49% lower than the target and 0.26% lower when compared with April, 2018.Unit-wise and state-wise natural gas production is given at Annexure-II. Unit-wise natural gas production for the month of April, 2019vis-à-visApril, 2018 has been shown in Table-2 and month-wise in Figure-2.
Table-2: Natural Gas Production (MMSCM)
Note: 1. Totals may not tally due to rounding off.*: Provisional
2. Target for the month of April, 2019 as per inputs received from Oil Companies and Annual Targets are under finalization.
Figure-2: Monthly Natural Gas Production
- Natural gas production by ONGC during April, 2019 was2037.71 MMSCM which is 2.49% higher than the target and 3.33% higher when compared with April, 2018.
- Natural gas production by OIL during April, 2019 was 224.49MMSCM which is 18.83% lower than target and 1.39% higher when compared with April, 2018.
- Natural gas production by Pvt/JVs during April, 2019 was 393.69 MMSCM which is 2.63% lower than targetand 16.15% lower when compared with April, 2018. Reason for shortfall in production is given below:
- KG-DWN-98/3: MA field ceased production from 18 Sept 2018. Closure of 2 wells in D1D3 field. Well A20 ceased to flow in D1D3 field from 23rd Oct 2018.
- Refinery Production (in terms of crude oil processed)
Refinery production during April, 2019 was 20703.06TMT which is 4.79% higher than the target and 4.28%higher when compared with April, 2018.Unit-wise production is given at Annexure-III. Company-wise production for the month of April, 2019 vis-à-vis April, 2018 has been shown in Table-3 and month-wise in Figure-3.
Table 3: Refinery Production (TMT)
Note: 1. Totals may not tally due to rounding off.*: Provisional
2. Target for the month of April, 2019 as per inputs received from Oil Companies
and Annual Targets are under finalization.
Figure 3: Monthly Refinery Production
- CPSE Refineries’ production during April, 2019 was 11263.33TMT which is 3.20%lowerwhen compared with April, 2018.Reasons for shortfall of refinery production in some CPSE refineries are as under:
- IOCL, Guwahati: Restricted due to lower Assam Crude Availability.
- IOCL, Gujarat: Lower due to extension in M&I shutdown due to delay.
- IOCL, Digboi: Lower due to lowerAssam Crude Availability.
- IOCL, Panipat: Lower due to idling of Naptha splitter for want of PESO clearance.
- IOCL, Bongaigaon: Restricted due to lower crude availability.
- HPCL, Mumbai: Lower mainly due to deferred shutdown of primary processing unit.
- MRPL: Lower due to non-availability of crude because ofdelay in SPM maintenance activities.
3.2 Production in JV refineries during April, 2019 was 1721.66TMT which is 14.73% higherwhen compared with April, 2018.
3.3 Production in private refineries during April, 2019 was 7718.08TMT which is 14.90% higherwhen compared with April, 2018.
3.4 Refinery-wise details of the capacity utilization and production of petroleum products during the month of April, 2019 vis-à-vis April, 2018 are given atAnnexures-IV andAnnexures -V respectively.