National Desk: On January 31, Rishi Ajay Das, the founder of the Kinnar Akhara, took a significant step by removing Mamta Kulkarni and Laxmi Narayan Tripathi from the position of Mahamandaleshwar. The controversy began when Mamta Kulkarni was given the title of Mahamandaleshwar on January 24 during the Maha Kumbh, and she was given the new name ‘Shri Yamai Mamta Nandini Giri.’ Many saints and other akharas opposed the appointment of Mamta Kulkarni, a former actress, as the Mahamandaleshwar of the Kinnar Akhara.
Ajay Das accused Mamta Kulkarni of having a film background and facing allegations of treason, making her unfit for the position. According to him, the Mahamandaleshwar title in the Kinnar Akhara should be given to someone who has led a spiritual life for a long time and understands the traditions and principles of this position.
Statement by Ajay Das
In a press release issued by the Kinnar Akhara, Rishi Ajay Das stated, "Laxmi Narayan Tripathi granted the title of Mahamandaleshwar to Mamta Kulkarni without following religious traditions, which is against the principles of the Kinnar Akhara. Therefore, I have decided to remove them from this position." He further added that the title was given to Mamta Kulkarni without renunciation (Vairagya), which goes against the traditions of the Kinnar Akhara.
Laxmi Narayan Tripathi’s Counterattack
Laxmi Narayan Tripathi strongly opposed this decision, claiming that Ajay Das had already been expelled from the Kinnar Akhara and had no authority within it. Additionally, Kinnar Akhara’s Mahamandaleshwar, Maa Pavitra Nand Giri, also expressed her displeasure with the decision. She stated, "One should not try to become great by throwing mud at others. Everyone remains as they are."
Mamta Kulkarni’s Response
Mamta Kulkarni defended herself amid the controversy, stating that she has long believed in a spiritual way of life and aims to serve society. She emphasized that no one should question her appointment in the Kinnar Akhara, as she has been practicing spiritual discipline for years.