In these unprecedented times digital engagement has been a clear and predictable trend. This has led to the rise of technology being leveraged in new and unique ways. Riding this wave and being an early adopter of this trend, Kansai Nerolac Paints Ltd (KNPL), one of the leading paint companies and pioneers of “Healthy Home Paints” in India conducted its first virtual Annual General Meeting on Monday, 22nd June 2020. The meeting, successfully conducted through the Cisco Webex platform provided by NSDL was attended by over 90 shareholders .All our directors (including our 3 directors from Kansai Paint, Japan) attended the meeting.
The meeting was effectively conducted as adapting to newer methods and technology has enabled the organisation to build a strong connect in current times. The company officials ensured that registered participants received guidance and personal help to get connected on to the platform. The virtual AGM was a great experience. It was well received by all shareholders as well.
Shareholders had been provided the facility of asking questions even during the AGM as “concurrent questions”. The concurrent questions were posted by the shareholders on the NSDL platform and these were replied to, by the Vice Chairman and Managing Director. All the questions through the three modes, i.e. 1. Questions received in advance, 2. Questions raised by the Speaker Shareholders and 3. Concurrent questions were replied by the VC and MD.