The Department of Economics, Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) organised a two-day National Workshop on ”Productivity and Efficiency Analysis” during 4-5 November 2022. The workshop was organised under the aegis of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the department (2021-22).
Prof Asheref Illiyan, Head and Director of the workshop warmly welcomed all the participants, guests, faculty members and scholars from across the country. He highlighted the importance of being efficiently productive particularly in the post Covid-19 era where everyone has to set a new bench mark of productivity and efficiency. A brief introduction of the program was delivered by Dr. Vasim Akram the coordinator of the workshop. He has emphasized the role of productivity and efficiency to achieve the greater and sustainable economic growth in a country like India.
The keynote speaker of the inaugural function was Prof. Surendra Kumar, Chairman, Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics. In his address he has explained different concepts and drawbacks of measuring productivity and efficiency. He reiterated the need to consider the multisectoral approach and also consideration of good goods and bad goods for productivity analysis. He pointed out that the choice of empirical models and data requirements is so important while achieving productivity and efficiency measurement.
The distinguished guest, Prof. Shahid Ashraf, former officiating VC, JMI has highlighted the fact that innovation and adoption of new technologies benefits most to those who were first to adopt them. Prof. Batula Srinivasu proposed vote of thanks by highlighting the importance of efficiency in every sphere of day to day life as a key for success.
The two days workshop was spread over 8 technical sessions in addition to inaugural and valedictory functions. Dr. Tariq Masood, AMU. Dr. Vasim Akram, JMI, Dr. Abdullah, National Institute of Agricultural Policy and Research (NIAP), Delhi and Simanti Bandopadhyay, Shiv Nadar University were the key resource persons in the workshop.
In the Valedictory session on 5 th of November Mr Zahid Siddiqui presented a snapshot of two days workshop.Guest of Honour of the valedictory session was Dr.Abdul Aziz Erumban, University of Groningen, He has started the lecture by highlighting the work of Jorgenson (1973) which he finds so fascinating and was a motivating factors that keeps him to work on the issues of productivity and efficiency analysis from 1997-98. He pointed out that although there is enough research on productivity and efficiency in India, it is not part of academic curriculum till date and he recommended to include it as a part of academic curriculum.