Union Home Minister Shri Amit Shah received a dividend cheque of Rs. 15.26 crores from the representatives of Repco Bank at New Delhi earlier today.
Repco Bank is a multi state cooperative society established in 1969 by the Government of India for the rehabilitation of repatriates from Burma and Sri Lanka and is under the administrative control of Ministry of Home Affairs.
As on 31.03.2019, the Government of India held 49.15% of the share capital, the four southern state Governments held 6.24% and the remaining 45% was held by individual repatriates.
For the last financial year 2018-19, the total business mix of the Bank was Rs. 15,230 crores. The Bank posted Net Profit of Rs. 107 crores and declared a dividend of 20% for its stakeholders. Dr. P. Senthilkumar, Chairman, Repco Bank and Smt. R.S. Isabella, Managing Director, Repco Bank presented the dividend cheque for FY 2018-19 to Union Home Minister Shri Amit Shah in the presence of Shri Krishna Bahadur Singh, Joint Secretary (Freedom Fighters & Rehabilitation Division), Ministry of Home Affairs.