BBC Player, a BBC Studios streaming service available on Prime Video Channels, is excited to present Great Indian Railway Journeys from Monday, 12 August. Promising a spectacular adventure through the unique lens of India's iconic railway network, the series will take viewers into the rich tapestry of Indian cultures, stunning landscapes, and technological advancements.
As the host, Michael Portillo, renowned British broadcaster and railway enthusiast, will offer audiences a window seat as he rides on some of the most exhilarating trains in the world that can only be experienced in India. From the bustling streets of Delhi to the tranquil backwaters of Kerala, the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas, to the golden sands of Rajasthan, the Great Indian Railway Journeys captures the diversity of customs and ways of life that characterize contemporary India.
One of the journey's highlights will be Portillo's interactions with India's royal legacy, as he visits magnificent palaces and discovers the luxurious ways of life led by the maharajas, giving viewers an insight into the splendour and opulence of India's imperial history. The show will also highlight Indian Railways' technological achievements, demonstrating how innovation and tradition can coexist tranquilly in one of the world's biggest and busiest rail networks. Additionally, the series will showcase how Indian rail transport has evolved, from vintage locomotives to high-speed trains, illuminating the nation's progress towards modernity.
Talking about the debut of Great Indian Railway Journeys on BBC Player, Stanley Fernandes, Vice President of Distribution, South Asia, BBC Studios, said, "We are thrilled to bring audiences another gem that will take viewers along on this unforgettable journey through India's soul-stirring landscapes and vibrant cultures in a unique travel format. Through Great Indian Railway Journeys, we aim to showcase the essence of new India fulfilled by its diversity, history, and enduring spirit."
Great Indian Railway Journeys is set to premiere on BBC Player on Prime Video Channels on Friday, 12 August. The series will captivate viewers worldwide with its unique blend of railway travelogue and cultural exploration while celebrating India's past, present, and future.
Prime members can purchase a subscription to BBC Player at INR 599 annually, providing access to BBC Kids.