SEBI came out with detailed guidelines on 18th May, 2010 for launching of SME Exchange/Platform. BSE became the first stock exchange to get the approval from SEBI and launch its SME platform on 13th March, 2012.
Galactino Corporate Services Limited became 311th company to get listed on the BSE SME Platform on October 09, 2019. Galactino Corporate Services Limited came out with an initial public offering of 16,08,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- Each (“Equity Shares”) For Cash At a Price Of Rs. 23/- Per Equity Share (The “Offer Price”), Aggregating to Rs. ’369.84’ lacs. The company has successfully completed its public issue on 27th September, 2019.
Galactino Corporate Services Limited is a Maharashtra based company whose registered office is at Nashik. It is a diversified financial services company in India, carrying out the business of management of fund raising activities, investment advisory, underwriting of issues, manager, consultant or adviser to any issue including corporate advisory services and as consultant or adviser. It is registered as SEBI Category-I Merchant Banker having Registration Code INM000012519. Their motto is to achieve excellence across a range of financial services like: Advisory in IPO, Merger & Acquisitions, Debt Syndications, Takeovers, Valuations, Strategic & General Corporate Advice and Business Modeling, etc.
Mumbai based Aryaman Financial Services Limited was the lead manager to Galactino Corporate Services Limited.
The 311 companies listed on BSE SME Platform have raised Rs. 3,243.09 crores from the market and total market capitalization of 311 companies as on 09th October 2019 is 18,157.40 Crores. BSE is the market leader in this segment with a market share of 60.62 percent.
The response since the launch of this platform by BSE has been very positive and till date, 310 companies have already listed on this platform