Extramarital Relationships have always been under the lens of society since the inception of the tradition called marriages. The idea behind marriages was that two people will continue to look after each other’s likings, desires, and wantings for the rest of their lives and will continue to remain faithful to their partners irrespective of the situation. But is this century’s long tradition still relevant to this millennial society?
Today, relationships are as brittle as glass. The foundation of marriages seems to be standing on a crooked pillar which if not catered properly could fall off at any given point of time. A plethora of options at the workplace, social-media platforms, and online dating sites are seriously halting this century’s long tradition of marriages.
When Gleeden started communicating in India at the end of 2017, they had around 1.2 lakh, Indian users. Today they have in excess of 600,000 users aging between 34-49 years which is a +400% growth.
Apart from these external factors, the comradery between the couple also affects this major decision of Infidelity. Physical violence, orgasm inequality, lack of intimacy and long-distance relationships are a few of the many reasons why people commit Infidelity. In recent times, the advent of online dating apps has only added fuel to the fire and has opened up multiple options for their end-users. Let’s have a look at the few of the many reasons for why women commit Infidelity, as found out by a survey by Gleeden:
– 77% of Indian women cheat because they are bored by their monotonous married life.
– Since the Supreme Court of India abolished section 377 which criminalized same-sex extra-marital relationships, there was a +45% increase in same-sex encounters among married people.
– India’s most unfaithful women live in the big metropolis: Bengaluru, Mumbai, and Kolkata are in the top 3.
– 31% of unfaithful women have already had an affair with one of their neighbors!
– Half of the unfaithful women go fourth base during the second date!
– 52% of women and 57% of man have already cheated on their partners during a business trip.