Acknowledging the progress that has been made to implement Draft National Resource Efficiency Policy (NREP), the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change have extended the timeline to invite comments on it by another month i.e. till 24.09.2019.
The Ministry have agreed to this extended timeline in the interest of supporting the smooth and orderly implementation of the draft policy, keeping in mind the interests of the public at large.
Earlier, the Ministry released Draft National Resource Efficiency Policy, 2019 on 25.07.2019 inviting comments and suggestions from stakeholders including public/private organizations, experts and concerned citizens on the draft policy.
The Draft National Resource Efficiency Policy (NREP) envisions a future with environmentally sustainable and equitable economic growth, resource security, healthy environment (air, water and land), and restored ecosystems with rich ecology and biodiversity. The Draft National Resource Efficiency Policy is guided by the principles of (i) reduction in primary resource consumption to ‘sustainable’ levels, in keeping with achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and staying within the planetary boundaries, (ii) creation of higher value with less material through resource efficient and circular approaches, (iii) waste minimization, (iv) material security, and creation of employment opportunities and business models beneficial to the cause of environment protection and restoration.
The Draft National Resource Efficiency Policy (NREP) is available online on Ministry’s website at http://moef.gov.in/draft-national-resource-efficiency-policy2019-inviting-comments-and-suggestions-of-stakeholders-including-publicprivate-organization-experts-and-concerned-citizens/