Equitas Small Finance Bank has launched a new web series on their social media platforms, called ’Circle of Life’ that features real life transformation stories of bravery, sacrifice and compassion, the bank aims to reach a wider audience with the series to inspire and give hope to Indians in times of uncertainty.
‘Circle of Life’ series signifies a way of taking and giving back to the society and showcases the lives of people who have gone through a transformative journey.
Equitas invests the money that people save with the bank back in communities thus making money a force for good in contributing for a sustainable social change. While you choose to bank with Equitas, you just don’t earn rewarding interest, you also contribute to build a better society. Each story reflects positive impact beyond banking and how Equitas Small Finance Bank helps in changing lives of people through micro lending and social initiatives.
The First story, titled “Identity”, is a transformative journey of Mrs. Shanthi from being a pavement dweller to a proud independent parent. ¬Shanthi, now a contract worker for Indian Railways, shares her inspiring journey towards earning her identity in the society and showcases gratitude towards Equitas Small Finance Bank for being her pillar of strength. She even calls the bank her “mother’s home” which presented her with an opportunity to live a respectable life.
Equitas through its Bird’s Nest – Pavement Dweller Rehabilitation program, provided housing, food security, healthcare, livelihood skill development, and supplemental education to ultra-poor families over an 18-month period – ultimately placing them on the path to self-sufficiency. The bank has transformed lives of over 2000+ pavement dwellers in Chennai.