Jaipur. Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has announced to make them permanent on Diwali, giving a big gift to 30,000 contractual employees. It is reported that the government has issued orders to regularize panchayat assistants, education workers and parateachers. Initially, all the three categories of employees will get Rs 10,400 per month. If an employee gets salary more than Rs 10,400, then he will continue to get salary as before. The salary will be Rs 18,500 on completion of 9 years of service and Rs 32,300 on completion of 18 years.
The posts of Shikshakarmi, Parateachers and Panchayat Sahayak have been taken under the purview of Rajasthan Contractual Hiring to Civil Rules. Along with this, the name of these posts has also been changed. Now education workers will be called education assistants, parateachers will be called school assistants and panchayat assistants will be called school assistants.
According to the announcement of the government, only education workers, panchayat assistants and parateachers will be permanent under this process, that too when these employees fulfill the education qualification prescribed for these posts. Only those contractual workers will come under the purview of Contractual Service Rules, who fulfill the prescribed eligibility. Employees working in any agency or on contract or job basis will not be made permanent.