Jaipur, 08th July 2022: India is the only country in the world which is full of diversity, different castes, religions, weather, costumes, food make India unique in the whole world, but when many children are seen spreading their hands on the red light, then it seems that the country needs someone Dhruv Sanadhya, the personal assistant of former Union Minister Nagmani Kushwaha, has expressed great concern over this situation. Dr. Dhruv Sanadhya told that hundreds of small children can be seen begging outside religious places, squares, sightseeing places, their number is around 87 lakhs in the whole of India, which is a big figure. Most of these children Begging is done to earn money from them, for this, their entire gang works, which does the work of kidnapping children to making them crippled very efficiently. Children beg throughout the day and money is taken from them at night. In return, only they are given some food to eat, no attention is paid to their education, medicine, future. A proper punishment should be given to the people responsible for this condition of a children by making arrangements for their rehabilitation. Such gangs could not succeed in fulfilling their purpose.