The Office of the Long Duration Programmes (LDP) at Indian Institute of Management Calcutta hosted the first reunion event for alumni of TLPWE (Transitioning into Leadership: A Programme for Women Executives) on Dec 8th and 9th, 2023. This two-days event included interactions with the current Programme Directors of TLPWE and IIM Calcutta faculty involved with the programme, panel discussions with faculty members and invited guests, and guest lectures by key position holders of various organizations. TLPWE alumni from across batches were ecstatic to be back on campus and renew their bonds with IIM Calcutta and with each other.
Alumni reflections revealed the intriguing journeys of participating TLPWE alumni and the multiple ways the programme has impacted both their professional and personal lives. There were several goose bumps moments as alumni shared their key takeaways from the programme. Their will to stride forward with even bolder steps in the days to come was very evident from their narrations.
IIM Calcutta had launched this unique programme for women executives from various walks of life in the year 2017 with the intention to sensitize participants to the transformation of women in organizations from managerial roles to leadership positions, and subsequently attempts to equip participants with both theoretical and applied skills that would guide them to navigate their paths through the complex processes of managerial renovations. The programme is offered once a year and currently the 7th batch of the programme is ongoing.