Two students of Jamia Millia Islamia, Mohammad Ahmed (BTech Electronics and Communication Engineering Year End) and a team of Muhammad Dhanan (B Tech Electrical Engineering Year End) completed the Regional Level Developer Circles Community Challenge organized by Facebook. Developers and creators were invited by Facebook to demonstrate their potential for technical education by creating lessons that showcase the capabilities of Facebook technologies. The challenge has a total of 2422 participants from around the world.
The teams took part.The team was awarded a $ 2,000 cash prize using React & Flask on Heroco as their project ‘Transfer Learning Model’.To get a chance at global prizes announced in the middle of December, the Jamia Millia Islamia team will be invited to further extend their plans along with 20 others from around the world by Monday 30 November.
Professor Najma Akhtar, Vice Chancellor, Jamia Millia Islamia congratulated both the students for this achievement and expressed their best wishes for future endeavors. On global acquisition in scientific research by university researchers, Prof. Akhtar said this front. Students and teachers from the university will try to do everything possible to all.