YES Asset Management (India) Limited (YES Asset Management), a wholly-owned subsidiary of YES BANK, is pleased to announce the launch of its third NFO YES Overnight Fund. The NFO will be open from August19, 2019 to August 23, 2019.
The Fund is an open ended debt scheme investing in overnight securities having maturity of one business day. Since the residual maturity of the underlying instrument is up to one business day, there is minimal default and interest rate risk to the capital invested.The Fund will be managed by Piyush Baranwal.
Commenting on the Launch of the YES Overnight
Fund NFO, Kanwar Vivek, CEO,
YES Asset Management, said,“YES Overnight Fund will seek to maintain a high
credit quality portfolio by analyzing the fundamental credit strength and
secondary market liquidity of the issuer, using in-house credit and liquidity
models. It is an ideal fund for both Institutional and Retail investors who are
looking to invest surplus money for short term and earn reasonable returns.”