Dr. Ufana Riaz, Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemistry, Jamia Millia Islamia(JMI) has been awarded “Outstanding Performance Award” at the 10th International Research and Academic Excellence Awards 2021 (10th IRAEA-2021) in recognition of her exceptional caliber, academic excellence and outstanding performance in the field of Materials Chemistry.
The award ceremony was organized by the Foundation of Innovative Research in association with Novel Research Foundation (NRF) and was held online on 31st October 2021 in Maldives as part of 10th International Online Conference on Innovative and Advanced Multidisciplinary Research (10th ICIAMR).
The conference was organized with the objective of bringing together researchers, developers, and practitioners from academia, industry. Keynote lectures, tutorials, workshops covering the major aspects of Engineering, Science, Arts, Humanities, Education and Management were organised during the conference. Researchers were invited to speak on the latest developments in their respective areas.
Out of the 90 nominations received for various awards, only 10 were selected across various disciplines based on the significant contributions of the researchers in their respective fields of expertise.