Indian origin filmmaker Aseem Chhabra will moderate a session on ‘The relevance of Film Festivals in a hyper-digital world’ on Friday, November 26, 6p.m. India time, during the ongoing month-long European Union Film Festival.
The session, which has been organised in collaboration with the Dharamshala International Film Festival, will focus on the challenges before film festivals, especially smaller ones, and explore means through which they can reinvent themselves and remain relevant to their communities in this new world of unlimited digital access and choice.
The session is scheduled to be held on November 26 at 18:00 (IST).
Deepthi Pendurty, festival manager for Dharamshala IFF, Christina Marouda, Chair of the Board and founder of the Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles and Meenakshi Shedde, an independent Mumbai-based film curator will be a part of the moderated discussion.
Aseem Chhabra is the festival director of the New York Indian Film Festival, the largest and oldest Indian film festival in North America.
He is also a film journalist, who has been published in The New York Times, The Boston Globe, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Mumbai Mirror,, The Hindu, Outlook,, Quartz, Scroll, Newslaundry. He’s been a commentator on Indian cinema and popular culture on NPR, CNN, BBC, CBC, ABC’s ‘Good Morning America.’ Chhabra has also authored biographies of Bollywood actors Shashi Kapoor, Irrfan Khan and Priyanka Chopra.