Maharashtra, Kerala, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Karnataka continue to report a surge in the COVID daily new cases. They cumulatively account for 85.51% of the new cases reported in the past 24 hours.
17,407 new cases were registered in the last 24 hours.
Maharashtra has reported the highest daily new cases at 9,855. This is the highest number recorded in Maharashtra since 18th October when 10,259 new cases were reported.
It is followed by Kerala with 2,765 while Punjab reported 772 new cases.
More than 1.66 cr (1,66,16,048) vaccine doses have been administered through 3,23,064 sessions, as per the provisional report till 7 am today. These include 67,90,808 HCWs (1st dose), 28,72,725 HCWs (2nd dose), 58,03,856 FLWs (1st dose) and 4,202 FLWs (2nd Dose), 1,43,759 beneficiaries aged more than 45 years with specific co-morbidities (1st Dose) and 10,00,698 beneficiaries aged more than 60 years.