On Friday, near the village of Gopalpura in Ranthambore National Park, Sawai Madhopur, a tiger launched a severe attack on two individuals. The incident has created a state of panic in the surrounding areas. Forest department and police were alerted, and a team from the forest department quickly arrived at the scene to take the injured to the hospital. Initial investigations revealed that the victims were grazing cattle when the tiger attacked them suddenly, leaving them with no chance to react. The injured individuals have been identified as Mukesh Yogi and Narendra Yogi, who are brothers. They were grazing buffaloes near an anicut on the boundary of Ranthambore National Park when the tiger emerged from the bushes and attacked Mukesh. Narendra, in an attempt to save his brother, was also attacked by the tiger.
The tiger's sudden assault left both brothers seriously injured. Local villagers arrived at the scene upon hearing their cries, but by then, the tiger had already fled into the forest.
One of the injured is reported to be in a critical condition. Forest department officials have confirmed that the victims were attacked by a wild animal, but the exact identity of the animal is yet to be confirmed. However, the victims have stated that it was a tiger that attacked them.