Exhibiting their public speaking skills and unleashing their creative talent, students of Orchids The International School, South City 1, Gurugram organized Radio Orchids, an in-house school radio – at its campus on the occasion of World Radio Day. The program’s objective was to give the students a platform to hone their public speaking skills (Public Speaking is part of OIS’ curriculum), embrace the spotlight, and have an opportunity for students to have fun with their creative side.
The inaugural broadcast on Radio Orchids consisted of a weather report followed by a few minutes of discussion on the background of World Radio Day and the history of radio. Yashika from grade 8th, and Divyanshi from grade 6th, were the Radio Jockeys (RJs) who hosted the program. An audio drama titled “Let’s Know About Financial Literacy at Orchids” was played during ‘Radio Orchids’. Both RJs wrapped up the program with some soothing music and a creative bye-bye note.
“We all have a quality that makes us different from others because we are all unique. The primary goal of this radio broadcast on World Radio Day was for Orchids to introduce its students to a variety of genres so they can develop their skills and better themselves. Our children did a fantastic job during the entire program and displayed their talent. OIS is using its campus radio program to record drama, poems, and songs written by students in an effort to bring out their hidden abilities.” said Dr. Nidhi Duggal, Principal – Orchids The International School, South City 1, Gurugram.
“We had a really infotainment-focused experience. Before hosting this program, we received instruction from professionals and teachers in the classroom on how to script and present the program. Our ability to discover our skills is made possible through such unique activities. We are proud to be Orchidians, and we look forward to being a part of more such activities.” Said Yashika and Divyanshi.