The Group Commander of Delhi Directorate NCC, and Commanding Officers of 3 Delhi Bn and 4 Delhi Girls Bn attended a meeting with the Vice Chancellor, Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI), Prof. Najma Akhtar, the Dean of Social Sciences, NCC Coordinator and ANOs of Jamia Millia Islamia to discuss the modalities of implementing NCC as a CBCS course for undergraduate students in the University in the upcoming session (2022-23).
In view of the UGC Guidelines, the Vice Chancellor desires that the University implement NCC as CBCS / Optional course at the undergraduate level in the upcoming session.
Prof.Akhtar, is an honourable member of the High Level Expert Committee for a comprehensive review of NCC, constituted by the Ministry of Defence, Government of India in 2021 in order to make NCC more relevant in changed times. The University is in the process of introducing NCC as a CBCS course at the under-graduate level from the upcoming session (2022-23).