What is organ transplantation:- organ transplantation is a type of medical procedure in which organ of the body is removed and placed in the body of another person who needs that organ or whose organ is damaged. Organs like heart, kidney, brain, liver, lungs, pancreas, intestine, etc can be transplanted. Organ transplantation is really a good and a social cause because if any person donates his\her body organ to another organ whose organ has damaged, such person can save life of that person. Organ transplantation results into a form blessings for many such people, it is a good cause and nowadays many NGOs(non-governmental organisations) are also working in this field and make people aware about this so that people can come forward to donate their organs and contribute in saving life’s of so many peoples.
Transplantation of human organ act, 1994:- the transplantation of human organ act, 1994 was enacted by the parliament during 1994 and applies in the first instance to the whole of the states of goa, himachal Pradesh, and Maharashtra and to all the union territories and this act shall also apply to such other states which adopts this act by resolution passed in that behalf under clause(1) of article 252 of the constitution. Thereafter it was adopted by all states except state of jammu and Kashmir and Andhra Pradesh, which have their own legislations to regulate the transplantation of human organs.
The main obeject of the transplantation of human organ act 1994 is to provide for the regulation of removal, storage and transplantation of human organs for therapeutic purposes and for the prevention of commercial dealings in human organs and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. The act contains detailed provisions relating to the authority for removal of human organs, preservation of human organs, regulation of hospitals conducting the removal, storage or transplantation of human organs, functions of appropriate authority, registration of hospitals and punishments or penalties for offences related to the above mentioned matters. The government of india enacted the transplantation of human prgan(amendment) act, 2011 that allows swapping of organs and widens the donor by including grandparents and grandchildren in the list. By Neelam Meena, Law Student.