Karnataka, Kerala and Gujarat top in University-Industry Linkages (UILs) and have scored 7.8, 7.3 and 6.7 respectively on the scale of ten in a research report conducted by the PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the support of Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India.
The analysis conducted on the basis of ten parameters shows that University – Industry Linkages are found moderate in India with an overall score of 4.7 points out of 10 but surprisingly lot of disparities are observed among the States. Some States are good in University – Industry Linkages and others are found to have moderate or weak University – Industry Linkages, said the industry body, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry in a press statement issued here today.
The top ten parameters to assess the University linkages were (1) availability of University(s) for industry; (2) industry interaction with University(s); (3) continuity in Industry university interactions; (4) frequency of University industry interactions; (5) University support in providing quality solutions to industry; (6) MoUs/Collaboration/Agreement between University and Industry; (7) patents gained in the past 5 years by University industry collaboration, (8) continuity of joint research activities by University and industry; (9) Industry interaction with university students for research; (10) industry frequency of interactions with students for research.
While releasing the study, Dr Shekhar C Mande, Secretary, DSIR, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India said that the government has come up with various schemes to attract private sector for total CSR contribution in order to boost R&D activities in the country. He urged PHD Chamber to motivate industries to adopt new technology for increasing the capability of technology absorption in the industries.
Dr. D K Aggarwal, President, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, while addressing the session, said that states have to go a long way to achieve higher level of University-Industry Linkages in Research. The lagging states must also adopt the best practices undertaken by the top states such as Karnataka, Kerala and Gujarat.
India, on the other hand, is at a very nascent stage of developing strong UILs. Though some improvement has been observed of late, one of the biggest bottlenecks in the country has been the absence of clear policy for strengthening linkages between the university and industry, said Dr. D K Aggarwal.
There is a need for stronger collaboration between Universities and Industries to come up with innovative ideas in the area of research. Higher investments in R&D will improve the UILs of India, said Shri Sanjay Aggarwal, Sr Vice President, PHD Chamber, while speaking on the occasion.
UILs are one of the key elements to bring revolutionary change in R&D and technological development in our country and also have a positive impact on the growth and development of the overall Indian economy, said Shri Pradeep Multani, Vice President, PHD Chamber.
The study identifies top 10 sectors of the Indian economy for capacity building, research and development activity and innovation viz. (i) agriculture and allied activities, (ii) agro and food processing, (iii) tourism, (iv) textiles, (v) IT and ITeS, (vi) power, (vii) automotive and auto components, (viii) cement, (ix) drugs and pharmaceuticals and (x) handicrafts and handlooms.
The top ten sectors of the Indian economy with strong University-Industry Linkages have been found with the UIL score of IT & ITeS- 17.7, Tourism with a score of 17.4, Textiles- 17.1, Agro and Food Processing with a score of 15.0, Agriculture and Allied activities have a UIL Score of 14.1, Drugs and Pharmaceuticals- 13.8, Automobiles and Auto components- 12.8, Engineering 11.5, Power- 11.3 and Cement- 10.7.
The results indicate that industry consultation in setting pedagogy; gaining patents and regular interaction with industry have significant impact on placement level. Hence, the universities must ensure more collaboration with industries particularly in pedagogy and gaining patents which will facilitate higher employment level of students.
Going ahead, there is an urgent need to re-draft and re-introduce The Protection and Utilization of Public-Funded Intellectual Property Bill 2008 which will enable increased focus on R&D activities and greater interest from the private sector to enhance the increased University-Industry Linkages in Research, said the industry body, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
India needs to adopt a model wherein the concentration of industry clusters must be facilitated by state of the art universities with centers of excellence, incubation centers supporting the research activities, said the industry body, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
It is essential that the universities and industry should come together to make concerted efforts to strengthen the university-industry linkages in the country, said the industry body, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
The Government may support both the stakeholders to facilitate accelerating innovations in the country thereby making India globally competitive and a strong economic power in the coming times, said the industry body, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry.