On Friday, Poonam Pandey's manager made a false claim stating that the model, actor, and reality TV star had passed away from cervical cancer on Thursday night. The team even posted a message on her official Instagram account to announce her supposed death. However, it has been revealed that Poonam is alive, as she posted videos on Instagram on Saturday to clarify the misinformation. Additionally, the incident led to Poonam Pandey trending on social media, with people questioning whether her Instagram account had been hacked.
Poonam Pandey is alive again!#PoonamPandeyDeathNews
"Cervical Cancer"
"पूनम पांडे"https://t.co/z70lB79ppP
“I am alive. I did not die because of cervical cancer. Unfortunately, I cannot say that about those hundreds and thousands of women who have lost their lives because of cervical cancer. It is not because they couldn’t do anything about it but because they had no idea what to do about it. I am here to tell you that, unlike other cancers, cervical cancer is preventable. All you have to do is, you have to get your tests done and you have to get HPV vaccine,” she said. Watch her video statement here:
I feel compelled to share something significant with you all - I am here, alive. Cervical Cancer didn’t claim me, but tragically, it has claimed the lives of thousands of women who stemmed from a lack of knowledge on how to tackle this disease. Unlike some other cancers, Cervical Cancer is entirely preventable. The key lies in the HPV vaccine and early detection tests. We have the means to ensure no one loses their life to this disease. Let’s empower one another with critical awareness and ensure every woman is informed about the steps to take. Visit the link in the bio to delve deeper into what can be done. Together, let’s strive to put an end to the devastating impact of the disease and bring #DeathToCervicalCancer