Government of India has been promoting traditional farming in the States through dedicated Schemes, namely, Mission Organic Value Chain Development North Eastern Region (MOVCDNER) and Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) since 2015-16. Under these schemes assistance is provided to the farmers for on-farm and off-farm input production/ procurement, creation of post harvest infrastructure and connecting it through production to processing by the following ways :
(i) Market linkage of producer clusters with some major agri-business, phytochemical and online grocery stores have been established under MOVCDNER.
(ii) Providing incentives for infrastructure creation, storage, grading, packaging, branding, publicity, transportation, value addition, development of integrated value chain and organic fairs.
(iii) Promoting formation of Farmer Producers Companies (FPCs)/ Organizations (FPOs)/ Clusters, thereby assisting member farmers to receive remunerative prices for their organic produce due to improved economies of scale, value addition and access to market for their organic produce.
(iv) Government has launched a www.jaivikkheti.in portal acting both as a knowledge as well as marketing platform. Details of farmers involved in Organicfarming, input suppliers, certification agencies (PGS) and marketing agencies are available for smooth implementation from production to marketing. PKVY/PGS groups can take the advantage of this portal for capacity building, technical know-how, communicating with marketing channels/ other groups and direct marketing of their produce to prospective buyers and consumers.
This information was given in a written reply by the Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Shri Narendra Singh Tomar in Lok Sabha today.