The Department of English, Jamia Millia Islamia(JMI) organised a one-day Online Workshop on academic writing titled “What’s there to argue about? Reading and writing like literary scholars” by Dr Anannya Dasgupta on 17th September,2022. She is the Director of the Centre for Writing & Pedagogy at Krea University. She is known to be one of the pioneers of centres for writing and pedagogy in India. The workshop focused on the details of scholarly reading and writing with an emphasis on arguments.
The participants, about 75 in number, had uploaded the readings they found challenging beforehand. One of the readings was chosen to be worked upon through the two sessions of the workshop. One of the most interesting takeaways of the workshop was the reorientation and honing of academic reading and writing skills in a matter of a few hours.
The participants were challenged and engaged in responding by way of cues and discussion. The workshop was a huge success and was thoroughly praised by the participants themselves.