Jammu and Kashmir administration has said, it is committed to maintain peace and public order in the State and police are working in this direction. In a statement, the administration said, restrictions were completely lifted in five districts of Jammu. Similarly, relaxation was also given in the nine other districts of Kashmir based on local assessment of the situation. It said, media persons are being facilitated through a media centre set up by state government and they are being provided phone and internet facilities.
Restrictions on connectivity continue as a result of security requirements. However, people are being facilitated to contact their relatives and children outside state through widespread deployment of helplines at convenient locations. Thousands of calls are being made every day from these designated places. Over three hundred public points for phone connectivity are functional across the Kashmir division.
According to Inspector General of Police Kashmir range SP Pani, there has been a malicious campaign on social media and the contacts of these were strongly refuted by the police.