Sony BBC Earth, a pioneer in bringing forth thought-provoking content and inspiring initiatives for the Indian audiences, is proud to announce Shaan Lalwani as its 'Earth Champion' for the month. This recognition highlights Shaan's contribution towards environmental conservation and sustainability for a cleaning detergent formula that is totally biodegradable.
Shaan Lalwani's journey towards sustainability began with a personal awakening. During her travels, Shaan witnessed the harmful effects of chemical pollution on marine life. The cleaning agents that form an integral part of our daily routine contain chemicals that pollute water bodies. Hence, Shaan came up with an eco-friendly alternative and founded Coco Custo, a company that makes non-toxic and biodegradable laundry detergents.
Sony BBC Earth's 'Earth Champions' initiative aims to celebrate individuals like Shaan who move the needle in bringing sustainability into the everyday lives of people, making a tangible difference to the environment. The monthly property showcases the work done by the Earth Champion as short-form content with a compelling score. The video is telecast on the channel and promoted on the online medium.