India’s leading fashion and beauty destination, Shoppers Stop has expanded its retail footprint with the launch of its sixth store in Dwarka, Delhi. Located at Soul City Mall, the store is all set to pamper and ensure an incredible shopping experience for its customers with perfect beauty staples and fashion must-haves.
The 34218 sq. ft. store will pave way for its customers to discover distinct fashion statements, with choices from more than 500 of the finest International, National, and Exclusive brands spread across multiple shopping categories. Bringing home some of the key brands such as Louis Philippe, Jack & Jones, Vero Moda, Celio, Only, Levis, W, AND, BIBA and ENAMOR, along with the signature brands like MAC, Clinique, and Estee Lauder; Shoppers Stop is all set to meet all your fashion and lifestyle demands under one roof.