This Holi brings good news for all Rani Chatterjee fans. The queen of Bhojpuri cinema, Rani Chatterjee is all set to make her Bollywood debut. Rani will be seen making sizzling moves in the latest song of Apeksha Films & Music ‘Jobaniya Jalebi’, in collaboration with Jazzzup Entertainment.
Along with Rani Chatterjee, the sizzling song of the year, ‘Jobaniya Jalebi’ also features rapper Huma Sayyed. The high energy track ‘Jobaniya Jalebi’ is sung by Rekha Rao and the rap is by Earl Edgar D and Huma Sayyed. Sonu Singh has penned the additional lyrics, while the rap is penned by Yash Makhija. The music of the dance number is composed by DJ Sheizwood.
On the release of ‘Jobaniya Jalebi’, Producer Ajay Jaswal of Apeksha Films & Music said, “We are glad to have Bhojpuri Superstar Rani Chatterjee on board and for the fact that she debuts in Bollywood with our song. The energy and pulse of the song will make the audience get up and dance. We are sure that the audience will enjoy the song as much as we enjoyed making it.”
Rani Chatterjee is very excited about the release of ‘Jobaniya Jalebi’. Talking about her first Hindi project, Bhojpuri Queen says, “I was waiting for the right project to begin my journey in Hindi, and I am glad that it begins with ‘Jobaniya Jalebi’ and with Apeksha Films & Music. ‘Jobaniya Jalebi’ is a very high energy track. The catchy rhythm of the song is irresistible and will make anyone groove after listening to it.”
Talking about her association with Apeksha Films & Music Rani said, “I feel blessed that my journey with Hindi industry is beginning with Apeksha Films & Music. It is a team of talented professionals who are so dedicated and hardworking. I am fortunate to have worked with Ajay Jaswal sir who not just has an ear for music but is very dedicated towards whatever he does. I am looking forward to working with him and the company on many more projects to come in future.”
The song with spectacular visuals is packed with killer dance moves choreographed by Aleena Shaikh, while the video is directed by director duo Sumeet – Saahil and produced by Ajay Jaswal.