Prime Minister Narendra Modi will share his thoughts with the people in the country and abroad in his ‘Mann Ki Baat’ programme on October 27th at 11 AM. On the same day, Diwali is being celebrated across India. It will be the 58th episode of Mann Ki Baat.
It will be broadcast on the entire network of AIR and Doordarshan and also on AIR News website and ‘newsonair Mobile App’. It will also be streamed live on the YouTube channels of the PMO, I&B Ministry, AIR and DD News.
AIR will broadcast the programme in regional languages immediately after the Hindi broadcast. The regional language versions will also be repeated at 8 PM.
The Prime Minister in his last ‘Mann Ki Baat’ address to the nation urged the people to celebrate Diwali in a safe manner to avoid the incidents of fire or loss of a life caused due to use of firecrackers. He said, whatever precautions or preventive care is to be taken, should be taken during Diwali. He also said that happiness should co-exist with joy and of course there must also be enthusiasm.