VMate, the trending short video platform has introduced #VMateFilmistan campaign for its users who can collectively win cash prizes and rewards worth INR 3 crore. The campaign draws its innovation from introduction of first-of-its-kind virtual reality (VR) stickers of Bollywood movie sets in India which can flawlessly replace the video background, successfully transporting the users to the desired film sets virtually. So far, Around 3 lakhs people in one week participants have created videos that have garnered about 60 millions views. The contest is live till December 6 and has 5 stages to be completed for winning exciting prizes, including a car, a smartphone, TV and more
India’s First VR Sticker Campaign
VMate users can join #VMateFilmistancampaign by tapping on the campaign banner under the ‘Discover’ section. Every user will be presented with a road map containing 5 milestones to be completed. To qualify, participants will have to make videos by creatively using the VR background and lip-syncing the famous dialogue of the movie. The most popular VR sticker trending on the platform is the Lion sticker which actually gives a perception that you are walking with a real Lion. Users can enact the scene with catchy dialogues and taking their creativity to the next level.
Each milestone is dedicated to a famous Bollywood movie such as Shivaji, Bahubali, PK, and others. Users can successfully cross a signpost by creating a vibrant video corresponding to the movie mentioned on the milestone. The videos to be created should sport a VR setup of each movie mentioned where the users are virtually present on the movie sets. Utilizing the stickers, VMate users are creating their own version of popular movies, and are sharing the same with their friends and family.
Till date, one lakh videos have been uploaded by the users and the VR sticker of Housefull 4 movie set has emerged as the most preferred sticker for making videos. Besides offering exciting prizes,#VMateFilmistancampaign offers a unique VR based video making experience that is both fantastic and simple. Nisha Pokhriyal said “As India’s first VR sticker app in the short-video making community, VMate is paving a new path for the users to explore an entirely different side of the world of technology. This also adds a new dimension in the entertainment industry and allows users to experience the innovative concept of VR on their fingertips. Since Bollywood is highly relatable among Indians, we are receiving a huge response from users of all age-groups irrespective if their technical know-how especially the Housefull 4 movie set.”
How to win sure-shot gifts and bumper prizes?
On crossing each milestone, participants will win a sure-shot cash price and reach on the 6th stage/milestone to spin the wheel of fortune and try their lucks for winning either of a car, smartphone, TV, cash prizes, and more. The winners of the bumper prizes of #VMateFilmistancampaign will be announced on December 6th 2019. Recently, VMate concluded two high-energy campaigns ‘Roshan Karo India’ during Diwali festival and VMateNach Baliye Lakh Pati campaign in association with India’s popular reality show NachBaliye Season 9. Both the campaigns received record-breaking participation from millions of users across India. Besides many users winning cash prizes, Ms SangeetaNavik, an avid VMate user from a small village in UP, won herself a car for participating in VMate Roshan Karo India campaign. As a platform, VMate has emerged as India’s favourite digital medium to celebrate the festivals and also life in general by sharing their life moments in video format. Many Indians are earning lakhs of money via their videos on VMate.