Shri V.K. Singh, Additional Director General of Police, ATS and SOG, informed that Anil Kumar Meena, son of Shri Ramraj Meena, aged 36 years, resident of village Kachroda, Tehsil Sapotra, Police Station Kudgaon, District Karauli, appeared for the Senior Teacher, Second Grade (Secondary Education) Competitive Examination 2022, conducted by the Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC), Ajmer. Anil Kumar Meena did not personally take the Science subject exam held on 24.12.2022 (second session) and the General Knowledge and Educational Psychology subject exam held on 20.01.2023.
Instead, Anil Kumar Meena, through an organized gang's active member, arranged for two dummy candidates to appear on his behalf in exchange for ₹20 lakhs. Fraudulently, he was selected for the position of Senior Teacher (Science subject).
The investigating officer, Shri Prakash Kumar Sharma, Additional Superintendent of Police, SOG, Jaipur, registered FIR number 38/27.12.2023 under sections 419, 420, 467, 488, 120B of the IPC and sections 3/10 of the Rajasthan Public Examination (Prevention of Unfair Means in Recruitment) Act, 2022, at the SOG Police Station, Rajasthan, Jaipur. Upon finding the allegations true, the accused, Anil Kumar Meena, was arrested and produced today before the Additional District and Sessions Judge, Court No. 01, Jaipur Metropolitan Second, Jaipur. The court granted police remand for the accused until 11.09.2024.
The investigation is ongoing regarding the roles of the dummy candidates who appeared for both subjects at the Bharatpur examination center in place of the accused, as well as the individual who arranged the dummy candidates for ₹20 lakhs and other involved persons.